Jesus is a crutch

So many times I have heard people say this.  I felt as though I was being ridiculed for my faith.  It made it sound like a negative.  Like something to be ashamed of.  As if, I were weak and couldn't handle the weight of whatever was put on me. It would really anger and annoy me.  However, the more I thought on it, the more I now have to agree.  Jesus IS my crutch. He is my Comforter, my Healer, my Provider, my Strength. I can absolutely do nothing apart from Him.

Last I checked, when someones leg was broke, a crutch was a very useful tool to have.  You could not convince me you wouldn't want a crutch if you broke yours.  Its sole purpose is to help you in your time of weakness.  In your time of need.  More often to save you from yourself.  To think you can solely take on all the junk life throws at you, without having the ultimate Crutch, is foolish in the least. So much of life is beyond the reach of human understanding.  

We were designed to need God. Not just on Sunday morning or a holiday, but every day.  In every decision.  Every struggle. Every failure.  He wants to carry your burdens of life.  He's only waiting for you to reach out and humbly take the Crutch.


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